Header announcing the 2024 Annual Meeting, July 17-19, 2024, in Chicago, IL, USA

Call for Proposals

The Society for Text & Discourse is proud to announce its 2024 annual meeting to be held July 17-19, 2024 in Lewis Towers at the Water Tower Campus of Loyola University Chicago. Lewis Towers is located at 111 E. Pearson Street in downtown Chicago, IL, USA on the “Magnificent Mile”. We invite the submission of proposals for individual papers and posters to present original research on text and discourse processing, representation, and analysis.

The Society for Text & Discourse is an international society of researchers who investigate all aspects of text and discourse.  The purpose of the Society is to foster and promote excellence in research, enhance communication among researchers in different disciplines, and contribute to the education and professional development of those in the field or entering the field.  For researchers who are new to the Society, the range of topics that are generally presented at the conference can be seen by looking at past programs: https://www.societyfortextanddiscourse.org/past-conferences/

The 2024 conference is planned to be held with in-person presentations and poster sessions. We are hoping to accommodate remote attendance for at least some of the spoken presentations as well as an asynchronous virtual poster session for members who cannot travel to the conference. In addition to plenary addresses by the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award and the Tom Trabasso Young Investigator Award recipients, we are also planning a celebration of the contributions of Walter Kintsch as a focal part of the program.

For more information on the submission process for the 2024 conference, see: https://easychair.org/cfp/std2024

Submissions Open: November 5, 2023
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2024

Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=std2024

Conference Location

The location for the 2024 annual meeting is the Lewis Towers at the Water Tower Campus of Loyola University Chicago. Lewis Towers is located at 111 E. Pearson Street in downtown Chicago, IL, USA on the “Magnificent Mile”.

Hotel and Travel Information

**UPDATE: room blocks reserved by ST&D at a discounted rate have now been filled. You can still book a room at one of the conference-affiliated hotels at a normal rate, or book separately. However, we are unable to expand our room blocks at the hotels at this time due to demand**

Please click here for information about the previous secured accommodations at hotels near the conference venue.

Chicago has two airports, O’Hare (ORD) and Midway (MDW). The conference venue can be conveniently reached via public transportation (CTA), with the nearest train station being the Chicago stop on the Red Line, just 0.2 miles away from the venue.

Student Travel Awards

**Update: The deadline for the travel award application has past and travel award winners have been notified** 

Awards will be made available to support student travel. Applications will be solicited after the submission deadline to all student presenters. All students will be eligible to apply. Priority is typically given to students who are presenting, and students without sufficient funding from other sources.

Questions regarding the Student Travel Awards program or the application form should be directed to Alexia Galati (Travel Award Committee Chair) at agalati@charlotte.edu 

Online Program

A draft of the conference-at-a-glance is available here. A full online program will be available here at a later date.


The registration page is now live. Please follow the link below to register for ST&D 2024


The deadline for early registration has passed. ALL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER BY JULY 3. On-site registration will not be available due to regulations regarding food contracts and building security clearance. Late registration will close on July 3.

Payment will be accepted via Paypal. If you are unable to use Paypal, please contact the conference team (std2024@easychair.org) about alternate payment options.

Mentorship Program

The Society for Text and Discourse is proud to once again offer our Mentorship Program for advanced graduate students (within 1-2 years of graduation), postdoctoral researchers (in their first 3 years post-graduation), and junior faculty (in their first 3 years as a faculty member). This program supports career development and provides networking opportunities. Mentees will be paired with a mid-career or senior scholar and have the opportunity to discuss scholarship, handling new roles, finding an academic position, and/or navigating tenure, funding, teaching, and more. Individuals who are accepted into the ST&D mentorship program will be invited to attend a catered lunch with their mentors at the 2024 ST&D Annual Meeting. 

Applicants must be ST&D members at the time of submission, and applications will be invited once the program is announced. Applications require a  brief statement of professional goals, and 1-3 writing samples. 

Questions regarding the Mentorship program or the application form should be directed to Laura Allen (Mentorship Committee Chair) at lallen@umn.edu 

Application: Link to follow in Spring 2024 


In-Person Presentation and Poster Details

Timing and other logistics for spoken presentations, details regarding poster sizes, and options for ordering posters to be printed locally will be provided after the program is announced.

Remote Presentations and Remote Attendance

Asynchronous remote presentations will be hosted via Flip.com 

We are hoping to accommodate remote attendance for at least some of the spoken presentations as well as an asynchronous virtual poster session for members who cannot travel to the conference


Meeting Conduct Policy

In order to facilitate a safe environment for all guests, ST&D has adopted a meeting conduct policy. This policy will apply to all attendees.

See here for the policy details.

Contact Information

Questions regarding the conference may be directed to std2024@easychair.org.

Questions or comments regarding this web page may be directed to scott.hinze@mga.edu