The Society for
Text & Discourse
Discourse Processing and Text Analysis
Welcome to The Society for Text and Discourse. We are an international society of researchers who investigate all aspects of discourse processing and text analysis.
The purpose of the Society is to consolidate research in discourse processing and to enhance communication among researchers in different disciplines. A second objective of the society is to contribute to the education and professional development of those in the field or entering the field. The official journal of the Society is Discourse Processes.
As a community, we strive to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research society. See our inclusion statement for more details about our values and about our Equity and Diversity in Text and Discourse travel award.

2025 Conferences
The Society for Text & Discourse is hosting both a winter meeting in Boulder, Colorado and our annual meeting in Padua, Italy

Membership in ST&D is on an annual basis which runs from January through December of each year.

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