Equity & Diversity Travel Award


Equity and Diversity in Text and Discourse Travel Award

Goal of this award: We strive to promote diversity and equity in the organization through representation, fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for those who are historically underrepresented in our field.


The purpose of the Equity and Diversity in Text and Discourse Award is to promote diversity within the Society for Text and Discourse by supporting research on Text and Discourse related to diversity as well as research by individuals from underrepresented groups. Projects are eligible for consideration for this award if they feature diversity-related variables (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, culture, sexual orientation, language differences, socioeconomic status and/or religiosity. Other aspects of diversity may be considered), or if the Lead Author is a member of an underrepresented group, including but not limited to racial and ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, LGBTQ+ individuals, and individuals with disabilities. These awards are intended to facilitate the research of individuals from groups that are underrepresented in our field, as well as research about issues of potential interest and importance to such groups. 


The proposed research must be an accepted paper or poster submission to our annual meeting. Current members of The Society for Text and Discourse may apply. Members from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply, as are new members to ST&D, and early career researchers and undergraduate and graduate students. The proposed research must primarily be the original work of the applicant. Applicants should submit their proposal based on general society submission guidelines. 

Award amount:

In the first instance, we aim to make a minimum of one award per annum for up to $2500 for the use of travel and accommodation to attend the annual conference. The award also includes free registration to the conference. Additionally, should the Lead Author choose to submit their awarded research project to Discourse Processes, and it warrants publication after the review process, Taylor and Francis will provide the financial support for perpetual open access.

Timeline of award:

Once applications are received for the conference, the award review committee will review the submissions and determine the awardee. The winner(s) will be announced prior to the conference. 



Equity & Diversity Travel Award Winners


Magalí A. Martínez, University of Buenos Aires